Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Bye bye 2014, it's been good knowing you

Hello, it's countdown time. Not long to go now till the midnight hour. Don't know if I can stay awake that long. I'm back home now for good, my house/dog sitting duties are done. Henry is with the other sitter and his mummy comes back on Friday. I think he has had a good time on his holidays, walking different routes, and playing with Guinness and Angus, his doggy pals. Got to be better than going in kennels. At least I will be able to sleep comfortably in my own bed tonight, without a choc lab next to me. He is as long as me when stretched out, a big lump to shove over when he is in the middle, ha ha.

Ah, it's nice to be back in my hovel, erm spacious yet comfortable semi, only joking, ha ha. I tried to get on with some sewing while I was there, but I couldn't get in the right frame of mind for it, the place was just too neat and tidy. I can't be creative if I am not surrounded by my mess. I need to be able to lay my hands on piles of fabric, cottons, and all the other paraphernalia needed to make something. Artists just cannot live in tidy places and produce artworks, they need mess.

Anyway, I'm back now and hopefully can get on with things. Twiggy asked about my walking trips. Anything in the pipeline? There will be some, but not just yet as the days are too short. I'm itching to get out on a long one again. Every time I finish a walk I say that was the last, but a few months later I want to go again. It's a matter of working out the logistics.

I must make a start on a bit of spring cleaning tomorrow so I haven't it all to do when spring finally arrives. The place is looking a bit tired, needs tarting up a bit. A wet rag to wipe down the paint work, get rid of stuff I don't want, clean the windows, slap a bit of paint on, that sort of thing, nothing too drastic or strenuous. The outside lavvy could do with a lick of paint, and the sheds want sorting out.

Right, that's about it for this year. I'll pour myself a tot of port and put my feet up with Last Tango in Halifax, on the catch up channel. Happy New Year to you, and I'll see you in 2015.  

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