Monday, December 1, 2014

Eat well, eat cheap.

Hello. Howz ya diddlin? I am fine thank you. The sandwich I started to eat last night didn't get finished, too full after eating the left over chips. I popped this bit back in the bag and got it out this morning and photographed it before I ate it. Just to show that however small a morsel might be, it is not thrown away. 
I went to crafty club this morning, then this afternoon I paid a visit to Helen. She has new tenants in the house which was vacated and had to be cleaned up big time. They were renting her other house but decided they wanted to move nearer town and work. So now she is preparing their house for rental, and new tenants will be moving in, in the new year. Confusing aint it.

I called in at the small Tesco on the way back and came up trumps on yellow stickers. Not the full Monty 90% off, but nevertheless, the bargains were not to be sniffed at. Here's the list.

Packs of 4 Activia yogurt, £1.15 to 25p. I had three packs.
Bags mixed prepared vegetables, £1.23 each to 41p each. I had three bags.
Egg noodles, £1.20 each to 14p. I had two bags.
Bags prepared veg, £1.65 each, to 16p. I had two bags.
Bunches spring onions, 49p each to 5p. I had four bunches.
Chicken pieces for the cats. £2.50 to £1.50.
I got a multibuy deal on the three packs of veg, the rules still apply, buy 2 get 1 free.
Total spend £3.87, and a load of food to last me the week.

My dinner tonight, all yellow stickers. Egg noodles, carrots, cauliflower, broccoli, mangetout peas, fine beans. Very nice it was too. Strawberry yogurt to follow.

The chicken is grilled, a feast for the cats. I cut this up into small pieces with scissors. 
I had an email today from someone asking if they can use one of my photo's in a magazine. They had seen it on another blog called Dishfunctional Designs. Although the blog owner hadn't asked me, they did put a link back here.  I've had a look around the blog and it's quite interesting. All about re purposing, re using, up cycling, and creative ideas in crafts. Perhaps you might like to take a look. There are adverts on it, and the owner herself makes and sells jewelry from broken ceramics. If you can ignore them it's full of good ideas. My photograph is the garden gate made out of old bed springs.

Thanks for popping in. Catch you tomorrow. Toodle pip

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