Sunday, December 7, 2014

Visit to the Festival of Christmas Trees

Hello. I've been to church today, the Old Brumby, United Church. It's not an old church like those I visit on my travels, it's a mere fifty years old, so quite a modern building in comparison. Every year the Rotary Club hold a Festival of Christmas Trees to raise money for Lindsey Lodge Hospice. Entry is free, a donation is appreciated, and refreshments are available.
I've seen it advertised before, but never been to it, so I thought this year I would. It was very busy and seems like a popular event. There are over eighty trees to view, all decorated by local businesses, schools, groups, clubs, charities, and the council. Some of them are stunningly fabulous, all of them are super. Here are a few of them. Enjoy.

This had to be my favourite, I love quirky. Driftwood picked up from the beach, cleaned and sanded smooth. Each branch has a hole drilled through the middle and is threaded onto an upright post, the longest piece at the bottom and the shortest on top. Amazing isn't it. 

And the band played Christmas Carols. There is other entertainment throughout the two weekends, choirs are booked to perform as well. 
A lot of the decorations are hand made. There are colourful Suffolk Puffs on this one.
Another quirky one, by the council recycling department. I'm not sure I like this one very much. The idea is good but I think they could have been a bit more imaginative with the construction.

 Small knitted socks covered this one. Cute.

Looks like all the children in the school made a fairy out of a clothes peg. Great idea to get them all involved.

I've got some more photo's but I'll save them for later. Hope you like them.
Toodle pip.

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