Friday, January 30, 2015

Need a longer arm

How many goes does it take you to do a selfie? Lots, ha ha. Ooops, cut his nose off. 
Ooops, cut my head off.

Where did that shadow come from? My nose looks a bit red.

 Oh sod it, smile Rocky.

We went a walk round Alkborough Flats today, it's a wetlands area on the banks of the River Trent. Hoping to do a bit of bird spotting. Not many about, think they have all flown south for the winter. This cold weather is not very good for Rocky's arthritis at the moment, he can walk a little way, then his front leg gets a bit sore. He still wants to go out though, so the pushchair is ideal. I get a walk and exercise, he can snuggle under the blanket and feel the sun on his face. He likes the sun.

We have had a bit of snow here, but not as much as other parts, thank goodness. Most of it has melted, only a bit left on the areas that don't get the sun on it. Have a nice weekend.
Toodle pip

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