Sunday, January 11, 2015

Paid in parsnips

Hello, Isn't it cold outside, that wind is chilling to the bone. How are you managing to keep warm? This is my get up for dog walking, I'll start from the inside. A vest and two short sleeved teeshirts. A sweatshirt and a fleece. Pair of kecks, leggins, short pair of socks, long pair of woolen socks. On top, a long thick padded jacket with a furry hood, this was given to me. I like this jacket, it has plenty of pockets for carrying poo bags, dog treats, phone, extra lead, camera, and keys. A hood is a must in this wind, it keeps my whole head warm as the front zip closes it up over my mouth.  To keep my legs warm I wear pair of trousers, and a thick woolen skirt that I got from a closing down charity shop for 50p. A sturdy pair of  boots (charity shop), and thermal gloves (found), and I'm all set to do battle with the wind. It's surprising what a difference that skirt makes, the only bit of me that gets cold is my nose.  
This morning I picked up Ollie and Alfie from the Kennels, and delivered them back to Paul's house. He had just arrived back from his weekend away, a bit earlier than planned. The timing was just right, he was putting the kettle on, a hot mug of coffee was very welcome. 
And this is what I wear in the house. Pretty much the same as outside, minus the jacket and gloves, and instead of the boots I have what I call my granny slippers. Remember those, I bought them in a charity shop in Driffield for a couple of quid. They are snug little bootees with velcro fastenings. If I get cold I put a long dressing gown on, or I might even put the heating on, or the gas fire, if I'm feeling flush, ha ha.  
Lunch today was salad leaves, mushrooms, a quarter of the quiche, some bread with home made peanut butter, and a small garlic dip. I didn't wash the salt off the peanuts, I emptied the bag into a clean tea towel, gathered the edges together and shook the nuts around in it. I did that again with a second tea towel, that seemed to remove a lot of the salt, and it tastes fine. 
Dinner tonight, my favourite, steamed veg with garlic mushrooms. Mangetout peas, broccoli, fine beans, and parsnips. Delishus.

Paul very kindly gave me a bag of parsnips, they had a bumper crop and have plenty left over. So, it will be parsnips coming out of my earholes for the next week. 
There wasn't much to post about yesterday, so I got on with some sewing and watched a couple of programmes on the catch up. It's very handy having everything in one place in the living room. I can sew while I watch. Last night I watched the Meat Loaf story, from when he started to what he is doing now. It was great, I love the energy of Meat Loaf music, especially Dead Ringer, that's the best. Then I watched a documentary about how Rock and Roll started in the fifties, I vaguely remember that. Remember the Quarymen? They are still going, four old guys still doing the songs, and yes, they are still great. I love that era.

Anyway, keep your pecker up and don't let the buggers get you down. Thanks for your comments, especially thanks to Anonymous, who seems to be commenting all the time  ;o)
Toodle pip

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