Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Covering up ugly

Hello. I was sitting in my comfortable arm chair reading the paper this morning while enjoying my coffee, when I looked up and thought, that fire surround is really 'orrible. It's ugly, it's drab, it's dull, and it's boring, got to do something about it. It's got to go. 
I could get it taken out and open up the fireplace again and have a real fire. It would cost a couple of grand maybe, which I could afford to pay for, but to be perfectly honest, I don't want to spend time foraging for firewood, buying bags of coal, and cleaning up the mess afterwards. It's much easier to turn the knob on the gas fire and get instant heat, so I'll stick with that. 
So, no major works will be taking place, no money will be spent, I just need to tart it up. How to do that?

Slap a coat of paint on it. My friend Helen gave me some white emulsion, left over from a house redecoration she did on her rental property. Waste not want not, give it to me, I will use it, I said. This is the undercoat, not finished yet, I have a plan for it. Watch this space to see the transformation.

I quite like living on my own, I can decorate using any colours I please, don't have to ask anyone for their approval, or ask if they can live with it. The only criteria is that I can live with any changes I make. And as I am easy going, that's simple. I like colourful, so this is what the fireplace is going to be.

Thanks for your comments on yesterdays post, interesting to read them.

Must go, Rocky wants to go for a bimble. Thanks for popping in. We'll catch up soon.
Toodle pip.

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