Hello. Apologies for my absence, something else cropped up yesterday which took a bit of time up. Anyway, here I am with another good idea for brightening your home up. You might like to copy this.
My very old telephone is looking a bit scruffy, but it is in perfect working order. Seems daft to chuck it out and get a posh new one. Besides, I like the big buttons and it has an amplify facility so I can actually hear what people are saying to me. Hmmmm, what to do? I have cleaned it with a damp cloth, removed all the gunge which accumulates around the buttons, and cleaned the flex. It needs some COLOUR
WOW, that's tons better. Now it looks pretty pretty sat on my desk next to the computer. I didn't paint the handset because it would have worn off in time being constantly picked up with grubby hands. Some pink sticky back plastic is just the job to complete the transformation. I'm chuffed. It makes me want to paint more stuff in the house to brighten the place up. Here's something I have just found on yoootooob, you might like to have a go at this, it's so easy. All you need is a plain piece of paper and a felt tip pen, or crayon, or pencil. If I can do it you can. Looks quite complicated but it isn't.
Just follow this video. Let me know if you have done it.
Then when you have mastered the basics you could try this and make a picture.
Wow, you're going to be busy then, ha ha.
Thanks for popping in, we'll catch up soon.
Toodle pip
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