Tuesday, January 17, 2017

What are you going to be when you grow up.

Hello. I watched the first episode of Tina and Bobby on itv catch up last night, and was hoping for something similar to the Cilla story set in the 1960's. Sheridan Smith played a very credible Cilla Black, she seems to be able to turn her acting skills into any character she takes on.

Michelle Keegan plays Tina, wife of Bobby Moore, Lorne MacFadyen plays Bobby. I must say, I was a bit disappointed. Michelle left her role of Tina McIntyre in Coronation Street a while back to explore different roles and establish herself as a versatile actress. I didn't see the drama set in the army in which she played a squadie, 'Our Girl', I think it was called. Re inventing yourself each time you take on a different role must take quite a lot of effort, some can do it, but sometimes a little bit of the previous character is always there in the background.

I was hoping to see a brand new Michelle Keegan, giving it her all, and taking on a whole new personality. In the first episode I saw Tina Coronation Street, playing Tina the Footballers Wife. The script wasn't particularly enthralling either, the scenes were too short to encompass deep emotions, not allowing the actors to showcase their full potential. The producers/directors were in too much of a hurry to fit everything into the first episode. It didn't have me on the edge of my seat, and I am not chomping at the bit to see what comes next. I will watch, but only to see if the acting improves.

Anyway, that's bye the bye. It got me thinking about the different roles we all find ourselves in throughout our lives. When you think about it, we have to adapt to our circumstances, we have to keep up with whatever changes present themselves to us. Ok, so we don't have to switch from one character to another like actors do, there are longer periods of time in between our different roles. Quite often our roles do overlap, and for those expert multi taskers it shouldn't be too much of a problem when with practice they can jiggle two or three roles at the same time.

For years I defined myself as being a lorry driver, a woman working in a male dominated environment, I adapted to that role. Now that is in the past, I have a new role which I have created for myself. Yes, I harp back sometimes, the memories never go away, but we are all acting on a big stage or on a film set. We all have a role to play in the grand scheme of things. Finding the right pace on how fast we move on in life is all down to us as individual actors.

Michelle must have asked herself at some point if she wants a fairly secure job for life, by staying in Coronation Street, in the same way that say, a person working at the steelworks might want to work in the same place until retirement. Michelle chose to make changes and take a different direction, to explore new opportunities.

I was happy to stay in transport because of the variety, I had to adapt very quickly to driving all types of vehicles and deliver all kinds of loads, and work for lots of different companies. It gave me a buzz. Then the buzz died and I moved on.

Right some questions for you. Are you where you want to be, honestly? Can you see yourself doing something else? Will you be able to adapt? Will you be taking on new roles? Or would you like to stay where you are? There might be another role for me yet, something else might come my way. That's the exciting part of life, it evolves, new situations, never know what's around the corner.

I'll leave you with that thought. Bugsy has eaten overnight, and this morning. He seems a bit better. I have a WI frugal talk to do tonight, need to get my props ready for that.

Thanks for popping in, we'll catch up soon.
Toodle pip

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