Sunday, January 1, 2017

Is the Walking Group ready to go?

Hello. Are you ready for the big one? The WALK 1000 MILES CHALLENGE.. It's the 1st of January and this is where we all start. Choose your boots or your trainers depending on the terrain. I use trainers for walking on tarmac around my village, and boots when on tracks and rough footpaths. Make sure you have the right footwear. Note - my home made shoe rack made out of pallets.

So, let's go through the rules. You can walk wherever you like, whenever you like, the aim is to complete the 1000 miles by December 31st 2017. You can break it down to 2.73 miles a day, I have two measured routes of two and three miles, from my front door. This takes me 35 minutes for two miles, and 50 minutes for three miles. I like to do a fairly brisk walk, a saunter or stroll will not do, I aim to work up a bit of a sweat. Sometimes it's cold when I set out but after ten minutes the heart starts pumping a bit harder and I warm up. When I get back I am ready to peel off some clothes.

The monthly total to aim for is 84 miles. If you are somewhere near that figure that will be fine. Some months you will do more, and some less. If over several months you find you are dropping back, you will have to put more effort in to catch up.

You can ignore the daily and monthly totals, and take on some long walks if you like. When on a walking holiday you could walk ten miles a day for eight days and have the rest of the month off.

Of course all this walking will depend on how fit you are, how much you have done in the past, and how much time you can give to it. If you are working full time can you incorporate walking too and from your workplace into your schedule. If not, can you walk during your lunch break.

There will be some people who will not be physically able to 1000 miles. That's ok, it isn't a competition or a race. Set yourself a lower target, even if it is one mile a day. The aim of this is to at least get you doing some exercise. Anyone who has sever mobility problems should consult their doctor first for advice. They may be able to embark on a different exercise routine, eg, swimming, aerobics, or yoga.

You  will be checking your own mileage, it's up to you how you do this. Some people use a pedometer, or a fitbit. I use a web site,  Toggle map sizes so the larger OS map is on the right hand side and use your mouse to plot out your route either before or after you have walked.

You can count any miles that you walk in the course of a normal day. I don't know how steps convert to distance, you will have to work that out for yourself. I prefer to count only the miles I set out to walk for the challenge. I don't count in shopping or dog walking, unless it's a big dog that's going to pull me along pretty fast.

On the first of every month you can check in with your miles walked over the previous month. Put this in a comment, then it is all on one blog post. It doesn't matter if you don't get it in on time, it can be updated any day in the month, just go back to the post on the 1st and put it in. This is the only record, there won't be a separate page. So, to start you can comment on this post to say you are in, and for the first day of every month after is where you check in. I want to see those numbers rising.

You will be full of enthusiasm when you start, that's how New Year Resolutions work. A few weeks or months into it you will wonder what you let yourself in for. You will then look for excuses not to do it, and start missing days. Haven't got time, got to go shopping, got to pick the kids up, need to get your hair done, etc etc. If you are opting to walk daily, it is better to build that time into your daily routine and find a slot for it. I am thinking now I had better get off my bum and do it now. If you are struggling, tell the rest of the group. Don't just stop and say stuff it, I can't be bothered. You will feel the benefits if you stick at it. Sore feet, try different footwear. Aching leg muscles, hot bath and massage.

Here's a little bit of inspiration to get you started.

Thanks for popping in, we'll catch up soon.
Toodle pip

PS. I think there are still some mileage totals for December to come in. When I have them I will have a complete list for 2016.

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