Sunday, October 5, 2014

Enjoying village life

I was expecting to have another day in today, after the miserable weather yesterday, but this morning it was back to fine and sunny again. I had a morning on artwork, with a break for elevenses and a fruity smoothie. One nectarine, one banana, a few peach slices from a tin with a drop of juice, a dash of Ribena, and two tablespoons of plain yogurt, topped with ground almonds. It was scrumshus. Deliberate spelling mistake, I make my own words up. 
Lunch was veg curry and pasta, I made extra portions yesterday to save cooking today. Dinner was the same and still some left for tomorrow.

I had a short trip out this afternoon to take a look at Winteringham Music and Arts Festival. My friend Helen is on the Parish Council and helped organize it. There has been a lot going on over the weekend, something of interest to all age groups. There are photo's on the web site of events that took place yesterday. I must say they are very quick to post updates on the site.

It was a lovely sunny afternoon, which brought a lot of people out. The art exhibition was busy, I forgot to take photographs, oops. I sat for a while on the bench outside the church. People were arriving for a classical choir concert. Here is Helen manning the pay desk.

Me in my summer pink.

The concert is just about to start. I decided not to stay as the sun was beckoning me to go for a walk. The ladies were getting tea and cake ready to serve in the interval, I wanted to buy some cake but they weren't getting it out until the interval.

I bimbled around the village and called into the Village Hall where there was a photographic exhibition going on, There weren't many photo's but those that were there were interesting and good quality. I had a nice chat with a man who told me all about the camera club and said I would be welcome to come as a guest to a meeting. I might just do that, I'll look at my calendar.

Tonight I am making a tree for the new weaving. I needed some wire to make a skeleton tree, and as luck would have it I have a massive reel of electrical wire which I recovered've guessed it, a skip, ha ha. I'm quite excited by this, now I have to decide what colour to make my tree. Best to get on with it. Enjoy tour Sunday evening. 7 o clock and it's dark outside, oh dear, the days are getting shorter.
Toodle pip.

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