Wednesday, October 22, 2014

S-t-r-e-t-c-h-i-n-g the stew

Hello all you foodies out there, come share my meals with me. I am getting down my food supplies, the fridge is bare apart from half a lettuce, half a cauliflower, some green grapes, and half a tub of plain yogurt. Putting off going shopping, I haven't been for almost two weeks, but might do a yellow sticker run soon. 
So, I am using stuff up. Yesterday's lunch was some of those not very nice beef style soya strips cut in half and cooked in a drop of oil with half a tin of chick peas, and a shake of garlic powder. After a few minutes when the strips were soft, stir in two eggs and scramble. Eat straight out of the pan to save washing up. Nice and filling.  
Yesterday I dug up one bed of potatoes, in all that wind. Got a good haul, still one more bed to go. I spent £3 on seed potatoes, and so far have done well out of them. Haven't had to buy any for months.

This is my food experiment for the week. I made a veg stew on Monday in a big pan. The ingredients were potatoes, carrots, cauliflower, one onion, bulgur wheat, garlic powder and half a packet of sauce mix. Yesterday I added a tin of chopped tomatoes, and the other half tin of chick peas. I transferred what was left after dinner last night, to a medium size pan. I've just had some for lunch, zapped in a bowl in the microwave, and now the pan is sitting in the fridge.

I'm going to see how long I can keep it going for, by adding to it each day. It will last till Friday, possibly longer, but I might have gone shopping by then so I might eat it and finish it off. As I said, I haven't got much food left, but this is what I thought I could add to it. Any tins because the contents are already cooked. I could cook some rice, pasta or noodles. Sultanas are a good addition to stews.

From the freezer. sweetcorn, ready cooked rice, more runner beans, cooked swede and carrots, and the last of the beefy strips. I could cook the onion and the potato in the microwave and add them.

These should keep it going, plus some spices, or veg stock cube, or curry powder, and porridge oats to thicken it.

Have you had a look in your cupboards and freezer to see if you can make an everlasting stew? What will you put in it? Can you stretch your weekly shop to ten days or even longer? C'mon, spill the beans :o)
Toodle pip.

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