Saturday, November 15, 2014

Brilliant day at Hull Scrapstore

Hiya all, I've had a brilliant day at the Scrapstore in Hull. It was very busy, there was lots going on, refreshments with scrumptious cake, childrens crafting activities, and lots of interesting stalls to peruse manned by lots of lovely people. The Scrapstore is in an old school building in an area where the housing has been extensively regenerated so there are lots of people within walking distance. We were busy for the whole of the five hours we were open. 
My stall was about ideas for art and craft projects. I wasn't charged a fee for the table, but I was able to sell a few things and donate the money to the Scrapstore. A lot of what I had on display wasn't for sale, it was there to show what could be done with rubbish that might be thrown away. Mind you I did sell some things I hadn't intended to sell. so I will have to make some replacements, ha ha. People wanted to buy the cat food pouches bags, but I held on to those, they are my props and I don't want to make any more. I hope people go away and try to make them for themselves after I explained how to do it. six of the seven fabric bowls sold, the only one which didn't was the biggest one I made yesterday. It was Pensive Pensioner who suggested they would look nice on a table with bread rolls in them, so if you are reading this PP, please email me your postal address and I will send you this one so you can use it as a guide to making your own. None of the bags sold, strange that, as everyone uses bags. I put a price of 75p on them, but no one wanted to pay it. I will put them out again on our cat stall at the end of the month, at the Christmas market. You will recognize some of the items on my stall. 
Some photo's of the other stalls. Lovely knitted items for sale.

This lady has written and published her own childrens books.

This lady makes beautiful doggy coats and accessories.

The Scrapstore Raffle was popular, only £1 and every ticket wins a prize.

Here is one of the visitors, I just had to speak to him. I love the way he is dressed entirely in vintage second hand clothes, his style is wonderful, very dapper. Love his long hair and eye makeup. Love his smile, in fact he made me smile. I love people who have their own style and are proud of their individuality. I had a lovely conversation with him and his parents, although I probably did most of the talking, so what's new, ha ha, and do you know what, he was just as nice inside as he was outside.  Pleased to meet you today, Jason, and if you are reading, take a look at Vintage Vixen's blog from Kinky Melon, the link is on the sidebar.

The best part of today was meeting people. I didn't need to push sales, I wasn't bothered about selling anything, I just wanted to inspire people to think about the rubbish they throw away, and the rubbish the good people of Scrapstore collect from businesses, and then get them to think about another use for it. It was definitely worth going.

When I got back I didn't feel like cooking, the weather is murky and I wanted hot food quickly. This mishmash took ten minutes, hardly any preparation and cooked in one pan. Two big mushrooms chopped and cooked in a little oil. Add lemon juice and some spices. Chuck in the rest of the pasta I cooked the other day, and some of the yellow sticker egg noodles. Then add the last bit of the curly kale soup. Sounds awful, looks horrible, but it was deeeeelishus and very filling.

Time for me to relax and put my feet up now. A glass of wine I think, and a look around the catch up channels for an hour's entertainment. Have a nice Sunday. Toodle pip.

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