Monday, November 10, 2014

Interesting goings on, on the Humber.

Hello campers, hi de hi. This morning I went across the bridge to Hull, to attend the Scrapstore AGM. Tracy is the van driver there and we did some work together when I was a volunteer at the Scunthorpe branch. The Hull store is very well supported by volunteers, it was nice to meet some of them, and have coffee and cake and a natter after the meeting. 
Afterwards I thought I would make a day of it so I drove back to the bridge and parked in the big car park and went for a bimble along Hessle Foreshore. It was a bit chilly but I was well wrapped up. I had heard about Graham Boanas, the man who walked across the river to raise money for a childrens charity, and was pleased to find an information board about him and his amazing challenge. He is a tall man of 6 feet 9 inches, and did a lot of training in swimming pools with weights strapped to his legs. The Humber has very strong currents so a lot of strength was needed to combat that.  

He is the only man to walk across three rivers in a 24 hour period.. There is a film about it here on yooootoooob.

I sat and watched what I thought was the lifeboat rescue men drag their machine out of the water after a practice session. They parked it up in front of the Rescue Station and proceeded to wash it off, so me being nosy I asked them if it was very cold out there in the water. It turned out that they weren't practicing a rescue, they were from the Environmental Agency and they were checking the waters for fish and plant life, and taking mud samples. I asked if their suits were waterproof as they had been wading through the water up to their waists while they pulled the boat out. One chappie said they are supposed to be waterproof, but his had sprung a leak. I didn't ask him which part of his body was wet, I thought that would be a question too far, ha ha. 

Lovely machine, isn't it. I would love to have a go on that, maybe not in the winter though.

I took my little friend too. We went a walk around the Country Park, three kilometres along tracks through woodland and round the ponds, we followed the red route Cliff Trail. The park used to be a quarry many years ago, it was designated a nature reserve in 1986.
I popped into the Tourist Information cabin on the car park and picked up some leaflets on places to visit in Yorkshire. Maybe I'll find somewhere interesting to go for a day out.

Tomorrow is a sewing day. I want to make a few things that I can sell at the Scrapstore Christmas Fair on Saturday, all money to go to the Scrapstore, they are giving me a table free of charge.

Tatty byes for now. Toodle pip

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