Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Chatting with Vanessa on BBC Radio 2

Hello. . It's been raining all day, so no walking tonight. I've been alternating between sewing machine and computer and phone today. The patchwork curtains are nearly finished, I just need to back them and sew the tape across the top. Might get them finished tomorrow.

I see a few of you listened to me on Radio 2 today, thank you for your comments on the previous post. Pity it wasn't Jeremy, he is relaxed and chatty with his guests. I  wondered if Vanessa was reading from a script,  she was firing questions at me. I felt as if I was under interrogation. She got my surname wrong in the introduction, and my age, and rushed through the interview. Didn't enjoy it as much as yesterday, with Radio Coventry.  

If you want to listen to it here is the link. Moved the slider button along to 39 minutes.

BBC Radio 2. Interview with Vanessa Feltz. 

I've got two more interviews in the pipeline, both with Irish radio stations. I'll let you know when they are confirmed.

Following the chat today I've been on the Radio 2 Facebook page and said my piece. A lot of comments were negative but quite a few positive ones as well which was nice.

I need to go to town tomorrow, my mobile phone has gone a bit funny. I'll go in the shop and get them to look at it. Might get a new one.

There is a new follower who is ploughing through the whole blog. She started at the beginning and is now on 2010. That's a heck of a lot of posts to read.

I'm a bit tired now, so I'll sign off. Thanks for popping in. Catch up soon. Toodle pip.

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