Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Easypeasy food shopping

Hello. I've been reading about a new food store that has opened in South London, by Stelios of Easy Jet fame. His plan is to undercut Lidl and Aldi by selling everything at 25p during February, he calls it an introductory offer. Afterwards it is said that everything will double in price and be sold at 50p. Here is a link to the Easyfood web site, which lists all the items on offer, and here is a shopping list of some of the items taken from the Daily Mail.. Hundreds of bargain hunters descended on the store and it has had to close down due to selling out. There is a notice on the web site saying it will be open on Friday after re stocking. 

Looking at the list above, there is hardly anything I would buy. Biscuits no. Baked beans 24p Tesco Value. Salt don't use it. Chopped Tomatoes maybe. Jam never buy it. Tea bags nope. Cheap coffee definitely not. Ginger nuts nope. Pasta only buy wholemeal. Pitta bread only buy it if nothing else, and cheaper than that. Tomato puree might buy it. Mayo not a fan of cheap makes, would rather go without. Mini shortbreads might buy as a treat. Mini cheese thins nope. Peach slices buy sometimes. Tuna flakes for the cats. Variety pack cereal nope too much sugar. Tomato ketchup nope I can live without that.

The Cash and Carry that I go to has similar items on sale, a lot of processed and snacky foods. I am very picky about what I buy there. Only the odd items which I consider are part of a balanced diet. I reckon the largest part what I eat is made up of fresh fruit and veg with salads and dairy. My very small store cupboard of tins and packets only comes into play when I am running down the contents of my fridge, or for quickness when I fancy beans on toast.

I would be interested to know how many items on the above list would you buy. How big is your store cupboard?

I'm not sure if Mr Stelios will be expanding his Easyfood empire. If he opens one in North Lincolnshire, I might pop in when I am passing, just for the odd item or two.

Thanks for popping in. Catch up tomorrow. Toodle pip.

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