Thursday, February 4, 2016

Fast and simple patchwork, tweet tweet.

Hello. It's been a grand drying day today. Bed stripped and washed, ready to go back on, sweats and teas put away in the cupboard.  
I'm still sorting the fabric out and have a bundle of small scraps of colourful cotton. I need to use them up. Remember the patchwork curtain on the small window at the bottom of the stairs, I'm going to make another curtain for the upstairs window at the top of the stairs. At the moment I have a plainish stripey green one there which I found in a skip, I will brighten the window up with some colour and give the green curtain to a charity shop. Good plan. 
I am making it the easy way, there will be two pieces to this curtain as it's a bigger window. I have a curtain liner which has been used as a table cloth, so this will be it's third re use. It's got a few marks on it but that doesn't matter because it will be covered on both sides. I have written about this before so some of you will know how to do it. First place a piece right side down just off centre. Sew it along one edge and turn it right side up.

Then choose another piece to go next to it. None of the pieces are measured, they can be any width but they must be the same length as the piece you are attaching it to.

Place it right side down matching the two edges, and sew it on.

The fold it over so the right side is on top. 
The next piece.

 Same again, lay it on top, right side down, and put a line of stitching along the edge.

Fold it over, right side on top. 
Same again with another piece.

See how it is growing, each piece added makes the patchwork bigger and needs to be longer.

Eventually you run out of long pieces so you need to join shorter pieces to make a strip of the right length. 
It's dead easy to do. As it grows longer strips are needed. Make the strips first then add them in the same way, right side down, stitch, then turn them right side up. Just keep adding until you reach the edges of the piece you are covering. You can iron as you go along, but I just pin to hold it flat while I add the next piece.

This is an easy way to make patchwork. I will cover the two curtains like this, then put a back on it. You could make cushion covers, or bags with it. A good way to use up scraps, why not have a go if you have a machine.

There's not much left in the fridge now. I'm putting off shopping, but I need to go before Sunday to use a £4 off voucher. Today I used the last of the yellow sticker potatoes, dated 20th January. Wash and trim off  the  blemishes, cut into small pieces. Boil in a stainless pan. Add spices.

Wash a handful of spinach, this was normal price 79p from Home Bargains. Add to the pan.

Zap it with a stick blender, serve with a wholemeal bread roll. A tasty two ingredient, warming soup.

I seem to have a few followers on Twitter, not sure how that happened, I only joined so I could follow Jo's progress on her walk. If people are going to follow me I suppose I ought to write something, or they might buzz off. I don't intend getting into the whole Twitter/Facebook/Instagram thing to promote my blog, it doesn't matter to me whether 20 or 200 read my wafflings. I will tweet if I have a flash of inspiration, but I'm sure no one wants to know every chuffin mundane thing I am doing. Oh, by the way, I washed my hair today and washed the kitchen floor with the rinsing water, I bet you wanted to know that, ha ha.

Got to do my three miles now, so I'll sign off. Thanks for popping in. Catch up soon.
Toodle pip.

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