Sunday, February 7, 2016

Looking for luck

Hello. I've been a bit lucky. I believe a lot of good fortune is down to luck, and working hard of course. But to be lucky you have to put yourself about, luck doesn't just happen, you have to go out and find it. Making things happen brings luck, do nothing and you don't find luck. That's my theory anyway. I'll come onto the luck bit in a minute. 
First here's the meal I made yesterday. Chop three onions and soften them in a pan with a slosh of oil. 
I buy Quorn when it's half price, this bag was £1. Chuck a handful in the pan with the onions. Then I added spices, chuck in anything you have. I put in a teaspoon of wholegrain mustard, garlic powder, and a few other bits and bobs. I also added some frozen peas. By this time it will need water, I put some lemon juice in as well. Stir and simmer over a low heat, add more water if it is a bit dry.

Served on a bed of wholegrain rice. It was smashing. I had it twice yesterday for lunch and dinner. Today I have finished it off. There was too much rice so I have frozen two portions in margarine tubs for future use.

I did my three mile walk yesterday at about 5.30pm. The same route as always. I didn't really feel like leaving my comfy chair and braving the gusty winds. What I usually do is jump up and say, right, let's go, on with the trainers, grab the torch, and put the jacket on. I'm out of the door in a few seconds. About half way round something caught my eye in the middle of the road, it sparkled in the streetlight. I walk in the road because the pavements are a bit bumpy, and there isn't much traffic on the side roads. The shiny object stopped me in my tracks and as I stooped to pick it up I was amazed to see it was a £2 coin. Well that's a bit of good luck I thought. Then I saw another shiny object, and another, and another. They were spread over quite a large area. Goodness knows how they had got there. I kept picking up the coins, it kept me busy for a good five minutes. £7.58. It was stroke of luck that I happened to be going down that road at that time. 
Luck was with me later on when I went to Tesco. Most people would prefer to go out socializing on a Saturday night, or stay at home snuggled up on the sofa with a glass of wine watching the tele, but no, I got off my backside and went to Tesco. Lucky for me that there wasn't many people shopping at that time, the young lad was marking down the fruit and veg, and me and another shopper had it all to ourselves. I haven't bothered to work out what I saved, but I did manage to get it to £30 so I could use a £4 off voucher. 
There are some prepared vegetables here so tomorrow I cook them up into stews. I gave my neighbour some, and I will be inspecting the condition of my stash over the next week, making sure everything gets used. My treat was a rhubarb pie at 43p, and two bottles of wine at £5 each.

So, two instances of being in the right place at the right time. I like it when I am lucky. If you want to be lucky, you have to go out and look for it. Sometimes you can turn an unlucky into a lucky. I have been unlucky in love, but very lucky that I have survived whatever life has thrown at me. What has been a lucky find for you? C'mon spill the beans, I want to know.

Thanks for popping in. Catch you soon. Toodle pip

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