Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Can the right and left work in creative unison?

Good morning. Please excuse my shorter posts, and total absence yesterday, but I have got my head stuck in artycraft mode. I struggled with this picture, had an idea in my head but got the colours wrong. After a couple of false starts I eventually got going. Getting into arty mode involves wandering around the house aimlessly, searching through bits of fabric, playing with paints and marker pens, cutting out and arranging, then saying, that doesn't look right and starting again. 
The background to the flowers is yellow, it hasn't come out right on the close up photo. The black velvet is predictably picking up fluff and dust and will need a going over with sellotape before it is framed. I'll get there eventually.

I've been reading somewhere about the workings of the left and right side of the brain. The left is to do with words, the right, creativity. Well that explains it, I write lousy blog posts when I am stuck in creativity mode. But's that's not strictly true, I need to be creative while writing also, to string a few sentences together, so maybe I am using the whole of my brain for blogging, or maybe not. If it's waffle erupting from my keyboard then my right and left side must be having an almighty battle between my ears.

When I feel a creative surge coming on my brain is in conflict with itself. One side says get on with the tasks you have to do on a daily basis, the other side says oh sod that, it can wait. When creating I have to go with the flow, or else the ideas will stop. I end up stuck in a rut and don't know which way to go next. This is a haphazard way of working, creativity is not a 9 to 5 job, it's a 24 hour process which I find hard to switch off from. By the time the evening comes, if I haven't made much progress, I feel stuck. My body is tired and is telling me to switch off and go to sleep.

I happened to come across this video while I was pondering this topic, and low and behold it is a technique I use in my search for solutions. When I lay my head on my pillow to drift off to slumberland, (it doesn't take long for me to drop off), I am thinking about what to do next with the project. Which way will work best, is there something I haven't thought of? Then I am out like a light. The next morning, as if by magic the answer appears, it is there in my head. I have to get up and see if it might work. The first thing I do is go to the table and take a look, maybe re arranging something, or draw a diagram, or do a few stitches.

I am finding that the respite from continued walking is helping me to focus, it gives me a window to let my mind wander without the need to search for an idea or a solution. I am sure that being out in the open air drives fresh oxygen to the brain, giving a fresh clarity to insurmountable stuckness. Although sometimes I struggle to make the effort, my thoughts are much clearer after a bit of huffing and puffing around a three mile track, and the benefits are definitely worth it.

We are coming up to three months of the 12 month challenge, a quarter of the way through it. How are you all doing? I am on target to make the 250 miles, I am pacing myself so as not to burn myself out in the early stages. If I go hell for leather and push myself too hard I will get fed up with it, and will be more likely not to go the whole distance. Little and often works for me. Hopefully there will be a few splurges through the summer months to boost the miles. Don't forget to check in with your mileages on or around the 1st of April. If you haven't yet got started, why not do the 250 mile/3 month challenge. Nothing to lose having a go, and everything to gain. For those who are plodding on at a steady pace, keep doing what you are doing. Every step is the way to better health.

Well I can waffle on can't I? This is supposed to be a quick post, so now I'll carry on. We are getting intermittent rain and sun here, wish it would make it's mind up. I might make a dash to the tip with some rubbish, or I might say stuff it, and keep on sewing. That's the right and left side of my brain arguing again, ha ha.

Thanks for popping in. We'll catch up soon.
Toodle pip.

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