Wednesday, March 9, 2016

New textile art project is ready

Hello. I have finished the picture, here it is. I am pleased with it, though I can see one or two things which could be better. But this is as far at it goes, end result. 
The backing is a hessian type fabric from the Scrapstore, I chose a frame before I started and outlined the backing board indicating the edges I needed to work to. Starting at the bottom I chose random pieces of fabric and hand stitched each one to the back, separately. 
Shades of blue skies added and a tree in the foreground. I did the trunk first, then cut extra pieces for the branches. The fabric is mainly cotton. You might remember the tree fabric, it was a set of curtains I got from the Age UK shop for £1. I got a lot of shopping bags out of it, now I am down to the last few bits. 

I have added a lot of French knots for texture, and did running stitches in red on the tree.

There are some tiny beads as well.

I was going to put one big blob of green on the tree, but it would have blotted out the sky, so I went for the leaves instead. I turned the edges under like elongated Suffolk puffs, and ironed them flat.  

This is the frame I have for it, a light wooden one with a gold strip around the inside. I took the photo's before I put the glass in, to eliminate glare and reflections. 
Another one for my growing collection of art works. I sent an email to The Ropewalk to ask if I could rent a studio in September for the Open Studios event. The reply back was that they don't have any empty ones. They said that last year when I asked, but when I visited I saw an empty room. They said I could still be part of it and open up my house as a studio for visitors. I said I didn't want to sit around waiting to see if people might turn up, and besides, I don't want strangers coming to my house. I wanted to be part of the main event because it is quite popular and gets lots of visitors. Oh well, I will have to think of something else.

It hasn't let up raining all day, so I found a use for all the rainwater I have collected in buckets and bowls. The car hasn't been washed for ages, so I put on a jacket and went out in the rain and washed it. The dirt came off really easily because it was already loosened. The job only took about five minutes, plenty of rinsing water to chuck over it. I didn't do the wheels though because I was getting quite wet.

Right, dinner time. I won't be walking if this rain doesn't stop. Maybe stay indoors and think about my next art project. Thanks for popping in. We'll catch up soon.
Toodle pip

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