Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Inspiration from Phyllis - a foodie post

Hello. Phyllis asked a couple of questions which I am happy to answer. Might as well do it properly in a post rather than squash it into a little box on yesterday's comments page.

Can you say why you chop the bran flakes? Also the nuts and seeds?
Apart from the nuts you don't seem to have a big source of protein for the day, do you eat more protein on other days and reckon it up over the week. Also I'm wondering what other sources of protein you have, I don't think I have enough with not eating meat or fish.

Hello Phyllis. Sorry, a bit misleading there, I don't usually chop the bran flakes, sometimes I do, but I don't need to because the milk softens them up. I have no grinding molars on my bottom jaw, I have a denture but do not wear it because it's uncomfortable. I want to hang on to the teeth I have left by not putting unnecessary pressure on them, so to get hard food down me like nuts and seeds I need to whiz them in the mini chopper, which does the job of my missing teeth.

Protien is found in a lot of foods, not just meat. I do eat dairy, probably too much cheese, and I will be eating eggs today. I eat eggs on three days a week, two at each meal.

Here are a couple of  quotes from the Vegetarian Society web site.

There are many protein rich foods for vegetarians, rivalling the protein content of meat products. Popular concern that vegetarians lack protein is misplaced and plant protein has the advantage of containing reduced saturated fat associated with meat protein.

The protein content of plant origin foods such as nuts, peas and beans (including peanuts) is very high and rivals that of meat and fish. Some vegetarians include eggs and/or dairy products as part of their protein intake. Cheese has similar levels of protein to meat and fish by weight, whilst egg is regarded as the perfect protein food for its ideal balance of amino acids. 

Here is a link to their fact sheet on proteins.  https://www.vegsoc.org/protein

There is an interesting web site called No Meat Athlete. Matt Frazier created it,.here is a quote.

Tell someone you’re vegetarian, and the first objection you’ll likely get is, “But where do you get your protein?” (Never mind what kind of shape the person asking is often in.)
I personally have not let the protein issue affect me, choosing instead to cook and eat a wide variety of foods and trust that I’ll get enough protein and all of the essential amino acids, and I’ve never felt better. 
A link on this site takes me to a guest post written by Mathew Ruscigno, a vegan and nutritional professional, and athlete.  Protein, a primer for vegetarians.  Mathew has his own blog, this is a post he published on June 15th 2011, entitled 15 Years of Veganism. 
There you are, lots of reading there. Although my diet appears to be lacking in protein some days, I make up for it on other days. A varied diet is the key I think. I have a guilty secret, I am often seen to be picking from the fridge, so I don't exist merely on the meals I post here. I keep a tub of home made peanut butter and I can't resist dipping into it, ha ha. 
Did you see the sunrise this morning? It was amazing for about five minutes. I awoke at 6.30am just as it was about to come into view through the trees at the bottom of the garden. What a glorious start to the day.  First picture from an upstairs window, the others from the garden looking up at the chopped down trees in the neighbours garden. Can you spot the wood pigeons on the tree stumps.  

A dry day today, time for a Rocky bimble to the church. Thanks for popping in. We'll catch up soon.
Toodle pip.

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