Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Fame at last for Joanna and her 1939 house

Hello. I went to see Joanna at her 1939 house today. You may remember I wrote about her in June 2013. I did four posts about her house because I took loads of photo's. The first one is here.  If you want to read all of them click on 'newest', when you get down to the bottom.

I passed her details on to the Yorkshire Post journalist a few weeks ago, with Joanna's permission, and her story is now out in the newspaper. Take a look at it here. You might guess what has happened, she has been inundated with requests for interviews and photographs. So much so that she is finding it a bit overwhelming and has brought in a friend to act as an agent and sort it all out for her. Unlike me, she would like to be paid for her time. I hope she makes a few bob out of it.

There is an article about her in the Daily Mail, which has some lovely photo's with it. She must have had a different photographer to me because they are a lot better than mine. Take a look here.

 Joanna doesn't have a computer or broadband so she is not able to see everything written about her. When she has some time to spare she will come here and I can show her. She is not up to speed with modern electronics and can just about manage her mobile phone, which she needs so her customers can contact her. She works part time as a cleaner in private houses.

I'm just off to update the walking group list, thanks to everyone for sending in your miles. There's no stopping some of you now you are on a roll. No matter how much or how little you do, every step is doing you good.

Thanks for popping in. Catch up soon. Toodle pip.

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