Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Hanging hearts

Hello. I went for my annual check up at the dentist this morning, and was in for a surprise, my usual lady dentist Emma was not there, she has left, and now I have a young man to prod around in my mouth. Jim was friendly enough, he decided to do a couple of x rays. Oh dear, after years of getting a clean bill of health, it seems I now need a filling replacing. He showed me the dark shadow, indicating that something was going on inside. He said nothing might happen to the tooth for a long time, and it was up to me if I want to go ahead with it. I suppose I had better get it done, I can't afford to lose the tooth. 
I've started to make some small felt decorations for our Village Hall Christmas Fair, they sold quite well last year. Pink and purple. I make a back and a front, put a bit of stuffing in, and blanket stitch them together, trapping the ribbon inside.   

I popped in the garden centre on the way back from the dentist, and bought four plants for the flower beds. Two of them are lavender reduced to £1.50 each and looked like they needed some TLC, the other two are heathers, purple and white. All planted and watered up now, and looking good.

I haven't found out anything about the email notifications not working properly, no one has answered my query on the Blogger Forum.

I've got things to do now, so I'll sign off. Thanks for popping in, We'll catch up soon.
Toodle pip

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