Thursday, September 22, 2016

Pimp my plaque

Hello. Just to remind you, that my summer house won the best budget category in Shed of the Year. I'm sure you haven't forgotten already, ha ha. Remember this, the plaque I won. All the lettering was black except for the green sponsors name.  They hadn't made a very good job of it so I painted the middle bit red to tart it up a bit. Looks a bit better. 
Then I got to thinking that the sponsors name spoils it, it's a nice bright green gloss paint but how could I get rid of it without destroying the wood. I need to disguise it in some way. Then I suddenly thought, paint, so I called in at Wicks to get some paint of the same colour. I looked high and low on all three paint aisles, found the sponsors section, studied the charts, and no, blow me down, there wasn't any paint this shade of green. Does that mean they used paint from another company, and not their own paint? Very strange. I selected a small pot of green as close as I could get it. 
And this is the result. I thought it should have flowers on it in pink and yellow to match the colours of the rosette, and the pink and yellow doors in the summer house. I added more black to the Category Winner to sharpen it up a bit. 

Good innit! 100% better I think. The moral of this story is....if you don't like something, change it.

Thanks for popping in, We'll catch up soon.
Toodle pip.
PS, The tooth filling went well, Jim was ever so gentle, hardly felt a thing, just a little prick.

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