Friday, September 30, 2016

Trying not to cry.

Hello. Does anyone remember when Rocky and Henry used to come and stay? It was a while ago now. I shared my bed with two dogs, it was a bit cramped, especially when Henry laid across my legs. 
I haven't seen Helen and Henry for ages, we have both been busy with various things, family and holidays, and in Helen's case she has been working more hours. Today was catch up time, I went to visit. 
Henry looks really chilled in the sunshine, but in truth, he's had a short walk and is tired. Sadly his arthritis is getting worse, he is lively in his excitement to go out, loves to sniff about, but can't walk very far. 
We went in the car to a quiet lane and took a steady stroll while Henry amused himself on the grass verge. Oooh, all those lovely smells.

When he had had enough he told us he wasn't going any further and lay down. That's when I took these photo's. He knows exactly how to pose for the camera. Look at me, aren't I handsome. Yes, Henry, you are.

Helen walked back up the lane to fetch the car while we waited. And here is Henry's taxi arriving to take him home. Some adjustments are having to be made in their home life now to take into consideration Henry's limited mobility. Helen is like me where pets are concerned, Henry will get all the love and care he needs.

Crikey, that has choked me up, I thought I was all cried out. I'm going for a walk.
Thanks for popping in, we'll catch up soon
Toodle pip

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