Sunday, December 4, 2016

All the fun of the Village Christmas Fair

Hello. I can breath again today after two busy days. The Christmas Fair was a great success for the village  residents, and visitors from neighbouring villages. A very good turn out all round, the place was packed. The children did their singing and dancing on the stage and all the proud mums and dads looked on. Santa was there of course, and there were lots of stalls selling Christmassy things, nice things to eat, and tombolas to win things. 
Our Chat and Craft stall had a good selection of hand made items to show, and some to sell. Only four shopping bags sold, I tried my best with a lot of humour, to get people to buy one. Those left over will be given away. I have a talk in January to do, so some will be donated there as raffle prizes. 
The two patchwork bags sold, and a few of the felt hearts and stars. I was able to make a £15 donation to our cat rescue. For me it wasn't all about selling, it was about the community coming together, it was great to see so many people, and chat with them. I think I have lost my title of, 'the bag lady', I am now known as, 'the shed lady', ha ha.  
I took the photo's before the official opening time, to show some of the colourful stalls. The Cat Rescue stall was opposite me this time. looks full and ready to go.

Today is sunny, I've got a line of washing out, and I will potter around the house and garden. I don't need to do my regular walk as I've got some walking in Derbyshire coming up soon.

Enjoy your Sunday. We'll catch up soon.
Toodle pip

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