Saturday, December 24, 2016

All ready, no stress.

Hello. Only a few hours to the big day, in 24 hours it will be almost over. I didn't dash round the shops at the last minute frantically pulling my hair out wondering if I had remembered to get everything. I didn't buy in any extra food and booze. I didn't stress about sending cards, only one was posted and half a dozen put through doors in the village, and they have been in the cupboard for years. I didn't wander aimlessly around the shops with a glazed look on my face, wondering what presents people might like. I bought one, it was something I spotted in an instant which was just right. 
Much easier for me to go to the bank for my Christmas shopping. Six envelopes for six kids. They can go and buy their own presents after Christmas when everything has been reduced. I hope their parents will help them to choose something, and also encourage them to save some of it. Five of them are quite young and will need some guidance. 
I hope you all have a lovely Christmas Day, whatever you are doing. Thank you to those who have sent cards, thank you to everyone who visits my blog. I have been invited out so I will make the effort and go. We'll catch up soon.
Toodle pip

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