Saturday, July 2, 2016

Happy food, and happy skip diving

Hello. It's a bit blustery today, but as yet, no rain. I have just eaten this happy meal, so I am very happy now. The face is a cheese and onion bake, two in a packet for £1 from Tesco. I didn't bake it, I grilled it. Fridge almost empty again so I'll nip to town this afternoon for a top up shop. 
I thought I would get my three miles done early today in case the weather turns nasty. Half way round something stopped me dead in my tracks, a skip was being loaded outside a house, the occupants are moving on. Had to have a nosy. Two chrome bar stools snaffled, and a wooden picture frame. The stools will be cleaned up, seats re covered, and I will find a good home for them. I will remove the picture, it is a bit grubby, sand the frame and paint it for my own use. Quite a good find I thought, I like skip diving. I was reluctant to dig any deeper into the rubbish because there was a strong stink of dog poo, yuk, it was 'orrible. 
I need to finish off my walk now, as I made a diversion back to the house to get my car and pick up the chairs. I need to go and do a bit of shopping in town, then have a bath, and tonight I need to be at  Radio Humberside studios in Hull for 9pm. No, I'm not on the radio, they are going to link me up with a TV station in Australia for an interview on their morning programme, Sunrise. They originally asked if I could do it at 11.30pm so it would match up live with them, they are 12 hours ahead. I said no, too late, so they are recording it an hour or so before it is due to go out.

Right better crack on, things to do. Thanks for popping in, have a good weekend..
Toodle pip

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