Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Thinking of extending

Hello. Look what I've got in the back of my car, four solid wooden doors with all the glazing intact. There is a man doing a house up on the route I walk, he previously gave me some bricks. I don't see him that often because he has always gone by the time I get there, but yesterday I went earlier and he was filling a skip with mostly rubble. I stopped to chat, and have a nosy at what he was throwing away. Well I couldn't let these doors get chucked, could I? There is nothing wrong with them, and surely I could find a use for them. Me being an expert builder with doors, ha ha. 
So, they are stored at the back of the garage, covered over with plastic sheeting, until I can think of a project for them. Hhhhmmmm, I have two plastic roof panels spare, maybe I could add a veranda to the summer house, that's a thought.

He also gave me these tall slim metal shelving units. I like these, they could be placed side by side or used singly. They can go outside or inside. I will think of a use for them, or give them away.

I just had to rescue Mr frog and Mrs Hedgehog before they went in the skip. A scrub up and a coat of paint and they'll have a new lease of life, in my garden.
It's been a good day for freebies. I think I'll ease off collecting for the time being, I've got enough projects to keep me going. I am scoffing a plate of steamed veg as I type. I have to get ready to go out shortly, I'm doing a WI talk tonight, got to entertain the ladies. I'll say cheerio for now and we'll catch up soon.
Toodle pip

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