Friday, July 1, 2016

They should be ashamed

Hello. I haven't said much about the referendum and the bloody aftermath which has been unfolding in this last week or so, but now's the time. Today is the 100th anniversary of the Battle of the Somme, commemorations are taking place throughout Britain and France. The bloodiest battle ever in Military history took place, almost 20,000 British soldiers were killed on the first day. These men gave their lives for their country, a country that is now torn apart by a bunch of nasty, self obsessed bullies that will do anything to claw their way to the top.

The way our political so called leaders are behaving is an embarrassment to the country. They should be ashamed. We had a referendum, the people voted, and since then all hell has broke loose. Tempers have been boiling over and  the verbal punch up has been gathering momentum ever since. Our so called cabinet ministers who are supposed to be familiar with the democratic system have been scrapping among themselves, showing their true colours.  The media has been delighting in all this mayhem and is guilty of whipping up hysteria resulting in vicious name calling which has descended into bitter arguments more reminiscent of pack animals ripping their prey to shreds.

It seems every politician is a target for name calling and derogatory remarks about their appearance. That is called bullying, which then permeates right down through the pecking order from top to bottom, and ends up gaining momentum littering social media. Shouldn't they be setting an example by acting in a civilized manner? They should be ashamed.

Pessimism, doom and gloom, and glass half empty is a sure recipe for failure. Pessimism cripples ambition. Bullying destroys confidence and creates a hierarchy of self obsessed individuals, who are blinded by their own personal ambitions, oblivious to the wider picture. There is no room for this behavior in politics. You were voted in by the people to serve the people. We look to you for guidance, you are erasing any respect we had for you.

The country has a window of opportunity to build a better Britain, but will it happen? I doubt it, they are too busy squabbling among themselves. I want to slap their stupid backsides. I want every politician to apologize to every colleague they have hurt with their condescending and patronizing remarks. For goodness sake get your acts together. How can we look up to our leaders when they are no better than a bunch of kids in a playground fighting over the football.. They should be ashamed.

Uploaded ten years ago. Let's not forget.

Thanks for popping in.
Best wishes, Ilona

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