Saturday, August 6, 2016

Attacking the ivy

Hello. A busy day today. I've decided to take down the lilac tree in the back garden. It's too big, and it's snarled up with ivy creepers. They have strangled it and the tree hasn't got much life left in it. It's going to be a hard job without power tools, I am hacking away at it bit by bit. 
Oooh look what I've found. I remember putting Cyril the Squirrel there years ago. Poor chap got swallowed up. 
That's better, he is reunited with his pal.

I took a load of hedge cuttings to the tip this morning, then onto town to pick up a few things. I dropped in at the Arts Centre to see a new exhibition, and found a chuffin great tank in the courtyard. Sculptor Peter Mountain has created a life size US army tank working from data downloaded from a website that supplies virtual objects for the computer games industry. It took him three years to make this entirely from wood, and it took two people a week  to construct it here. It came in flat packs on the back of a lorry. A bit more complex than Ikea, I think, ha ha. It's really amazing. I couldn't get close to it as it is not quite finished and Peter Mountain doesn't want close up photo's taken until he has added the missing parts.

It's been a lovely day today, more work in the garden tomorrow. Thanks for popping in, we'll catch up soon.
Toodle pip

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