Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Happy Birthday Joyce.

Hello. I've been to a party today, a 90th Birthday party. Joyce had an open house day and invited all her friends to drop in. Her little bungalow was packed to the rafters all day with a steady stream of guests. I was invited to join them for a bite to eat, and then take Bailey the poodle for his afternoon walk and to give him a break from all the noise. 
I think most of the village had turned out, it was full when I left and even fuller when I got back. Joyce is a very respected member of the community,  a regular supporter of the church, and an eager fundraiser for good causes. 
Joyce's grand daughter (standing), was on hand to supervise the food and drinks, there was a lovely spread of home made nibbles, pastries, and cakes. Joanna from the 1939 house turned up (seated on the floor), with Celia, one of the elderly ladies that she looks after. It was a smashing village get together.

I didn't get anything done in the garden today, so no more progress to show. I did ask Bob if he would come and cut down the last two trunks with his chain saw. He said he would but can't come for another two weeks because he is busy with visitors. Oh well, I might have them down by then.

I see the troll has struck again on yesterday's post. I have published it just to show how bitter and twisted they are. The comment doesn't bother me, but I do wonder about the state of this persons mind, as they have been coming and going over quite a few years now, and yes, I do believe all the comments are coming from the same person. It is someone who is obviously jealous, someone who has no sense of humour, and going by their persistence of keep coming back to attack me, they surely must have an OCD problem. Sad really.

Anyway, must dash. dinner time. Thanks for popping in, we'll catch up soon.
Toodle pip

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