Friday, August 12, 2016

My hippy style bag

Hello. I've been busy getting on with stuff, plenty to do at Tightwad Towers. Thank you so much for all your kind wishes, I am overwhelmed by how many people take the time to send in their comments. But, life goes on and I have a lot of memories to look back on. Uncle Stan had a long and full life, and I hope to follow his example and fill mine with what makes me happy, and that is mainly keeping busy doing things I enjoy. 
I spent this morning finishing off this bag. It's 12 inches by 13 inches, and made out of scrap fabric, some hand stitching and some machining. I made the back and front as two separate pieces then blanket stitched them together. It is several layers thick so it isn't floppy. The handles are long enough to go over one shoulder, which is how people like to hold them. 

I have added a tab with a piece of black elastic to the back, which fastens onto the button on the front.

All the stitching is random, I didn't have a plan, just added it where I thought it would look nice. I frayed some of the edges of the fabric. 

The back is a plainish piece of fabric.

I am very pleased with it. I have made another bag front with a mixture of red and pink fabrics. Another work in progress to join the other projects. I need to do some work in the garden in the next week. The lilac trees are down but there is still a lot of trimming up on the other bushes, and the front garden needs some attention too. Thank goodness for the electric hedge trimmer.

I'll get off I've still to do the walk yet, don't want to get behind. Shed of the Year is about to start but I'll catch it later. Thanks for popping in, we'll catch up soon.
Toodle pip.

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