Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Watch out, there's a thief about

Hello. There has been a bit of talk in the village about some recent burglaries. Robbers are breaking in houses in broad daylight, people have had jewelry stolen. A dark green Vectra has been spotted, it appears they are climbing over fences and getting into people's back gardens and forcing windows open. It's usually a very nice village to live in but this news is a bit disconcerting.

I think we need to be a bit more vigilant and look around when we are out and about. Be nosy and notice things out of the ordinary. I am always looking out of my windows when I am moving about the house because I am a nosy beggar. We sometimes get police patrol cars visiting, but not very often. Most of the time nothing happens for ages, then we get two or three in quick succession.

There are some very expensive houses here, so I am really hoping that they don't want to break into an ex council house owned by a pensioner that has no valuables whatsoever. There are some houses still owned by a social housing association, so I expect the occupants further up the street to be in a similar position as myself. I don't think anyone has won the lottery and has all the dosh stashed under their bed.

I am taking extra precautions, just in case, like keeping the back door locked even when I am in the house. Not leaving my keys in full view, hide them, and take them to bed with me. Also taking my purse and mobile phone to bed. I'm keeping all windows closed from now on, and putting a light on if I go out at night. And always be nosy and look out of the windows. Best to be careful.

Two very similar meals. Yesterday was a veggie burger, onion, left over steamed veg, and scrambled eggs.

Today was two Quorn sausages, sweetcorn and broad beans, in a garlic sauce over a microwaved spud.

I'm putting off going shopping, I've got enough for a few more days.

A new craft programme started last night on More4, it's called I Made This. William is one of the presenters. It was quite good, I watched it this morning on catchup. I don't know if it is a one off, or there are more to come. Worth a watch.

Thanks for all your comments yesterday. The kids are all ok. Heidi is back on one tablet a day now, she was getting a bit lethargic on half a tablet, so the vet said best to get her back on full dose. It seems to be working, she has a bit more energy now. I have to ring the vet tomorrow with an update. Rocky is soldiering on, he is eating well. Old boy Bugsy cat is amazing, he loves lying outside, and yells at me when he wants food. And Mayze is still scatty, dashing around everywhere.

Thanks for popping in, page views are on the up, more people reading, and welcome to the new followers. we'll catch up soon.
Toodle pip.

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