Thursday, November 3, 2016

Good news, and other stuff.

Hello. I've got a big smile on my face today, I went for the second part of my free health check at the surgery. My bloods have been checked and all seems well in that department. I weighed in at 59kg (9st 4lbs) and my height is 5'5". The print out says my ideal weight is 8st 13lbs, so I'll have to watch that I don't creep up a bit over winter. My blood pressure is 118/60, and my BMI is 21.67 kg/m. Pulse rate 76 bpm. There are some cholesterol readings, and she did explain to me what they mean, but I am still baffled. Nevertheless she said they are excellent. 
All the information fed into the computer gives a score. My risk of having a heart attack in the next ten years is 7.4%, which is below the score of 10.5% for a healthy person of the same sex, age, and ethnicity. My healthy heart age is 63. The nurse questioned me about diet, alcohol use, and exercise. She said, whatever you are doing, keep on doing it. So, I'm a little bit chuffed. Making an effort is hopefully paying off. 
I've put these two dollies side by side so you can see the size of the latest one. Little Polly dolly is 7.5 inches tall so will be ok for the Christmas tree. She is not bald at the back of her head, and I have put a narrow strip of plastic inside her body and head, and a bit more stuffing, so she isn't floppy. 

She's had some fillers in her lips, ha ha.

I've seen this small lizardy thing in my garden for must be over a year now. Not sure if there is only one, or whether there is a family. It was in a bowl of water outside the back door and I thought it was struggling to get out, so I fished it out. Cute isn't it. I have to be careful when I am walking about in the garden so I don't stand on it. I wonder if it will hibernate. 
Plenty of rocks for it to hide under. It moves very slow, does not run away and is easy to pick up. Off you go little lizard.

I forgot to include this map photo in my walking posts. It isn't very clear, but you can see how I fill in the lines with a marker pen for the different walks. When I check the mileage on I trace out the lines with the mouse on the screen and it gives me a total.

A comment came in from Anon.......

Have you ever thought of collecting all your walking wanders up on a map/travel page? That way, if one was ever able to, they might be interested to duplicate some of your jaunts, and this would make it easier to hunt up the details/links..

Hello Anon. Thank you for your idea. Unfortunately I don't have time to do all that. It's the same reason why I don't write recipes, or give detailed instructions on how to make craft items. I write about quite a lot of topics on my blog, and will cover some of the basics with limited details, but can't spend more time on it, or I would never get anything else done. 

I suggest if anyone has a particular interest in something you goooooglie it, or go on yooootooob. There are specialist web sites/forums/blogs/ videos for just about any topic. Here is one for long distance walking.  And a link for the Ramblers. And the Walking Englishman. 

I've updated the latest mileage figures to come in, thanks for sending them. All is looking good, and I'm pleased to hear that a lot of you are feeling the benefits of regular exercise. keep it up. It's not just for one week, one month, or one year, it's forever. Look after your body.

Thanks for popping in, we'll catch up soon.
Toodle pip

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