Monday, November 28, 2016

Almost there, keep walking to keep fit

Hello. With only a month to go to the end of the challenge, I've just been checking the state of play on our Walking Group page. I am really chuffed that so many of you have done so well. To be honest I thought more would have dropped out, but I'm pleased to say that a great many of you have stuck it out and are still soldiering on.

Everyone walks at their own pace so it's not fair to say some have done better than others. You can only do what you can do. I always say as long as you can do some walking, it's better than none.

I'm going to put a few names on this post of those who have really pulled out all the stops. Indeed, some of you have finished well before the time. The finishing line is midnight on December the 31st, so if you have already passed the 1000 miles, you can relax and do no more, or you can carry on for your grand total.

These are the figures which came in at the end of October, (except mine which is up to date), so they will be higher now if you are still walking.

Take a bow......
JILL 1018

Coming up close behind almost there.......
ILONA  948
HELEN D  948 km
HILDE  943
HAZEL  916

Keep going ladies, last push......
JULES  859
SALLY C  808

Please check the Walking page to see your mileage if your name is not here.

You may remember that I started on December the 1st last year as a trial. So with that 75 miles, I have gone over the 1000, but I will carry on to the end of the year, just to keep you company, and to cheer you on. Come on ladies, you can do it.

People have asked, what next. I haven't decided what I am going to do yet, I might think of another challenge or I might carry on with this. Whatever I do it will include some form of exercise, as I feel it is important to look after my body for life, not just for one year. I won't be making another walking group page for 2017, but I hope that some of you will continue the good work you have already started and record your own mileage.

If you feel you would like support, you could register with the Country Walking magazine challenge where you will be able to keep track of your own mileage and chat with like minded people. This is the link to their site.  Another option is to join the Walking Forum, of which I am a member, and put your name down on their list. Then it's up to you to update your own mileage by going to the thread, quoting the list, then adding your new miles, and posting it back on. I have been updating mine here. The thread is in Long Distance Walks.

It's been a long walk, but we are not far off now, everyone should be proud of what they have achieved.

Thanks for popping in, we'll catch up soon.
Toodle pip

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