Sunday, November 29, 2015

How to get the most from a bowl of water

Hello. What scintillating topic of conversation can I come up with today then, on this wet and windy and dark Sunday afternoon. Blimey, I've had to put the desk light on and it's only 1.45pm. The rain is lashing against the window , but there is some good news, the summerhouse roof is still attached to the rest of it. I had visions of going to retrieve it from a neighbours garden, but happily it is all intact. I've had to tie the plastic gate onto the wheelie bin though, for fear of that being ripped up and jettisoned into the next street. It's batten down the hatches here today. We had a Rocky walk earlier, but we may not get the second one later on at this rate. It will be a piddle on the back garden, for him not me  ;o)  Oh my word, it's howling as I type. With the amount of rain coming down, now would be a good time to go out and wash the car.  
I think a practical money saving tip for today would go down well. Here is a selfie of me with wet hair, I washed it in the kitchen sink, as I often do. Two kettles of hot water does the job, one for washing and one for rinsing. No need to heat a whole tank full of water. 
When the hair is clean, it's a good time to wash other bits of my body with the still warm rinsing water, so along with the shampoo I have a face sponge at the ready to do a bit of scrubbing around the sweaty bits.

When this task has been completed, the water is still not dirty enough to throw away. No need to add any soap as the residue from the shampoo is enough. This is when I get a floor cloth (bit of old sheet that used to be a dishcloth), and start wiping down the paintwork. The doors, skirting board, door frames, handrail up the stairs, outside window ledges, and anything else which looks a bit grubby. Cats have a habit of rubbing their faces up the edges of the doors. Last of all, the kitchen floor gets swept with a brush, and I get down on my hands and knees to wipe it all over. It's the only way to get in all the corners, I don't like mops.

When the water is too dirty for anything else it goes down the drain. If I was a bit more organised I could have two bowls, one for washing and one for rinsing, and save the hair washing soapy water for cleaning the bathroom. I think I do quite well with getting the most from my water.

Crafty Club tomorrow but I don't think I will be doing much crafting. I've volunteered to build Santa's Grotto in readiness for the Christmas Fair on Saturday. I have the sidewalls from the white gazebo which would make a den for him, and Anne has the decorations.

Bit of sad news  :o(  Mr Mole has been eradicated, maybe that's the wrong word, his body will probably still be intact. The mole catcher came, and despite the vicar asking if he could be captured alive and relocated, they went ahead and gassed him. Apparently they don't recover the body but just leave it there. At least he is laid to rest in the right place. I shall always think of him when I walk through the churchyard, I may make a little memorial. Rotten horrible people for killing him.

On that sad note I'll sign off. Enjoy the rest of your Sunday, if you can in this changeable weather. Catch you soon. Toodle pip

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