Monday, November 30, 2015

Flower power

Hello to my blogerettes wherever you are. This month we have had readers from the UK, United States, Australia, Canada, Germany, France, Ukraine, Belgium, Ireland, India, Russia, and Sweden. Thank you all for popping in. I forget to welcome new readers, so here is a welcome to everyone. 
What a rotten day weatherwise, rain, rain, and more chuffin rain. A day inside I think. Here is a progress report on the artificial hanging basket of flowers. It's going to take a while, but it's something I can pick up for an hour or two while I watch something on the catch up channels. This picture is the right way up, but the basket is upside down if you get my drift. The pointy bit will be at the bottom as it hangs on the wall bracket. I covered the shell with green mesh, it's plastic so shouldn't rot. Remember the big roll of it I used to construct a makeshift fence in my garden, well that's still intact a year later.  
The flower shapes are cut from aluminium drinks cans, two sizes so one sits on top of the other, with a bead in the centre. They are attached with wire and need to be tight fitting so they don't flop about. Looking good so far. 
I did venture out this morning to the Crafty Club, in fact I ended up going back and forth three times, to fetch bits and bobs I needed to construct Santa's Grotto. The corner of the Foyer as you go in was chosen for it. I've put two of the white plastic gazebo sides as the backdrop, and put up a 9 foot long wooden timber across the corner to support the curtain and tinsel and lights. More decoration is needed, which will be added before Saturday. Santa will get a throw over his brown chair to jazz it up a bit. I'll take another picture on Saturday, when it is in use.  
I'm still munching my way through my bargain food. Lunch today was iceberg lettuce, button mushrooms, baby tomatoes, quarter slice of quiche, and some microwave in the bag new potatoes with garlic butter. A squirt of cheap mayo just finished it off nicely. Very nice it was too.

Dinner tonight was very simple, steamed broccoli, cauliflower, and sprouts, with a sprinkling of grated mature cheddar cheese. No need for anything else, there was a massive plateful and I'm stuffed. The good thing about vegetables is that you can eat as much of them as you like, and not put any weight on.

I think it may have stopped raining so I'm going to take the dawg out. He will be chuffed. Thanks for popping in. Catch up with you soon. Toodle pip

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