Sunday, November 8, 2015

That's a nice pear you've got there ;o)

Hello. It's been a mixed bag of weather just lately. I did a load of washing this morning because it was very windy, but ten minutes after I hung it out the spots of rain began and turned into a downpour. I hastily grabbed it all back off the line and ran indoors. It will stay on the clotheshorse until tomorrow, maybe it will be dry enough to hang it out again. Think I will fix up a line in the summerhouse and hang it in there. Talking of the summerhouse, I need to clear all the fallen leaves off the roof. The silver birch trees in the next garden always deposit tons of leaves over my garden in the autumn. It's a blinking nuisance. 
I got some free pears today, they are huge. There is a tree in someones front garden nearby and I noticed that they never pick the pears and let them fall to the ground where they rot. Last week I knocked on the door and said if they didn't want the pears could I have them. The tree never has a great many, it's quite a small tree, but the fruits are massive. The man said they tried one once and it wasn't very nice. Too hard, very dry, and he didn't like the texture, also it had no taste. He gave me one to try anyway. This morning I cut into it and had a taste. I don't know what he was talking about, it was perfectly alright to me. Not hard, not dry, and tasted of pear. I went back with a carrier bag and my litter picking stick because I knew I could not reach the top ones. Whoopeeee, free pears. 
Janet and Sue had a stand at a Craft Fair today, it was at a big hotel near town. They do this one every year. They don't need me to help and I had Lady dog to walk, but I went for half an hour to see what it was like. It was a big room, packed with stalls. The car park was full and there were plenty of customers milling about. They set the stall up really well, it looked great. Looking around the rest of the room there was the usual jewelry, greetings cards, preserves, sweets, hand made gifts, cushions, wooden crafts, etc.

Most of you will remember that I don't do Christmas at all, can't be bothered. If I want to give gifts I give them any time of the year. No one gives me presents and that's how I like it. When it comes to buying extra food in, I get myself a few little treats, perhaps something I wouldn't normally eat or drink. I've brought Christmas forward this year, well that's my excuse to buy this bottle of cheap port. It's my Christmas treat. I don't buy hard booze, spirits etc, but I do like a small glass of port. Trouble is I've started it already. Oh dear. Never mind, I will sip it slowly and make it last  ;o)

I was hoping to show pics of my latest crafty project, but it's not finished yet, maybe tomorrow.

Thanks for popping in. Jacqui, I've got your email, thanks. I'll reply soon.
Catch you soon. Toodle pip

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