Monday, November 16, 2015

Something has tickled me ;o)

Hello. I'm giggling here, can't tell you why, I'll keep it to myself, oh dear I can't stop, and now I'm LAUGHING OUT VERY LOUD.

The house has scrubbed up nicely, it's pristine in fact. Now that's sorted I will try and keep on top of it. There is a downside to having a tidy house though, I'm going to have to get things out again when I want to do some crafty work, and then the mess will return, ha ha. It's an ongoing circle, tidy, put away, get it out equals messy. Oh I give up. Chuffin housework, Domestic Goddess I am not.

I found time to help my friend deliver the parish newsletters in her village today. I volunteer to do that because it is quite energetic to run up and down the road, in and out of the driveways. Good for the old ticker, good to keep the muscles supple, stops me seizing up.

The visitors are due tomorrow so I might be a bit busy.

Catch you soon. Toodle pip
Ha ha ha ha ha ha. I'm off to bed.

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