Monday, November 2, 2015

Rescuing spiders

Help, there's spiders crawling all over me, are they false widows or real widows? Now I don't mind sharing my house with spiders, but twelve of them, yikes! 
Did you think they were actually real spiders, did I have you fooled, no I thought not. I found them in a waste bin in the churchyard yesterday. A litter pick was needed after the Halloween celebrations on Saturday night. The Trick or Treaters having walked around the village scoffing sweets, chocolate, and crisps, cast their wrappers onto the ground wherever they were when the last mouthful was delivered. Muggins here went round and picked them all up. The spiders were at least discarded into a proper bin, among a bundle of bright green whispy cotton wool. Part of someones costume for sure. I separated them from their artificial web and brought them home in my pocket. They will come in useful for a crafting project.  
Found on my doorstep today, a huge bag of apples. My lovely neighbour from across the road always gives me a bag or two every year as their tree never fails to produce loads of them. These are very sweet and don't need any sugar added. Stewed apples with sultanas, with a dollop of yogurt on the top, delish. 
Just started another project. Remember the plastic mesh I found in the Village Hall rubbish bin? There was a big sheet of it. It looks like some sort of packaging material. Yes I am cutting up t-shirts, but I am not making a rug. Not saying anything else. Wait and see.
What a murky day it's been, the fog hasn't fully lifted all day. I had a quick visit to the mobile library after the Crafty Club, made a donation of some books which were given to me. Full house this morning, blimey, you should have heard all the chattering echoing around the room. it was deafening, I thought about switching my hearing aid off, ha ha.

Anyway, I am off to cut another t-shirt up. Thanks for popping in. Toodle pip

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