Friday, October 14, 2016

Be creative

Hello. I saw this sign in a shop window in Lincoln a few weeks ago, and immediately thought, yep, that's right, definitely agree with it. Life is about creating yourself.  
If you are lost then you took a wrong turn and you have to go back and look at things from a different angle, maybe find a better way. If you are not sure where your destination lies you could find yourself lost in a dead end, and unable to work out how you got there. Drifting along with no particular aims and ambitions and you are almost guaranteed to get lost somewhere along the way. And then what do you do? You start to question what is going to happen to you for the rest of the time you have left on this earth. You start soul searching, you begin to think, this isn't the real me, I don't know what the real me is. You ask how do I find myself? By then it could be too late, you are well and truly lost.

However, if you make up your mind that you are going to make the best of your life, the very best that you can, that's a good start to building the foundations for the life you want. We can create a timetable, create our own unique journey, create opportunities, create our own little space where we feel comfortable, and create our friends. Far better to create your own life, before someone else does it for you.  

Thanks for popping in. Have a good weekend.
Toodle pip

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