Thursday, October 6, 2016

Put your thinking caps on.

Hello. I'm a bit annoyed that this blog post did not publish automatically when I set it to. It should have been live at 3pm this afternoon.In theory you should be able to write your posts in advance and set them to publish at a date and time of your choosing. Well it didn't work and now you are wondering what has happened to me. Truth is I have been away, rambling in Yorkshire. Now back and suitably refreshed, or should that be suitably knackered, ha ha. 
I might as well publish this now as it's done. I will be back tomorrow with all the gen on my three days walking in the beautiful Hebden Bridge, Heptonstall, and Todmorden area. I've had a fab time, and it was a superduper cheap holiday.   

Hello. I wandered around the car boot sale on Sunday, browsing what was on offer, not because I needed anything, but what could I make with ordinary everyday items. I was looking for something that might jump out at me saying take me home and make me into something else. I have already shown you what I did buy, but I also took a few snaps of what I saw, while searching my brain for ideas. 
These colanders are shiny round shapes with holes in them, any ideas for alternative uses for them? Put your thinking caps on and help me out, there must be something they can be used for other than straining food.  
I saw lots of boxes of cutlery and kitchen utensils, I reckon these could be bent into different shapes. I've seen bent forks screwed onto a piece of wood to make coat hooks, now that's a good idea. Anybody got any more ideas? I don't have any means of cutting through metal so I might be a bit limited as to what I could do with them. It would be easy to squash them flat with a big hammer though, I think, or would it?

Lots of plastic action men, some of them in their undies. Hmmm, that's interesting. I'm sure there must be a use for these. I'll have to think some more about these, maybe you have some ideas.

I didn't ask how much all these items were, maybe they are collectors pieces and are worth a bit more than cheap car boot prices. It's funny what you come across, other people's rubbish is fascinating.

Another fascinating thing I saw was a woman pushing a bicycle with lots of bags hanging from the handlebars, and bulging panniers. She had a trailer hitched up to the back of it, stacked high with boxes and bags full of stuff, and on her back she had a massive rucksack which looked pretty heavy. I thought oh dear, poor woman must be homeless. I pointed her out to the stall holder I was chatting to, and the woman said, oh she comes every week and sets her stall up. I thought, flippin heck, a car booter without a car, that's ingenious that is. I suppose she doesn't live too far away, there's no way she could have ridden that bike.

Right I'm off. Let's have some ideas from you for the colanders, cutlery, and action men. Thanks for popping in, we'll catch up soon.
Toodle pip

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