Saturday, October 15, 2016

What a cheek.

Hello. I have a currant stuck on my face, not a pretty sight. It ruins my flawless 67 year old skin. No, that's not quite correct, I do have a few flaws, mainly wrinkles, saggy jowls, and a scrawny neck. However, I am not going down the route of sticking needles in my face to plump up my skin with fillers. I will just have to put up with how I am. But what I don't want is this currant stuck on my right cheek.  
My doctor at our village surgery treated it earlier this year, and it went away. But then it reappeared so I went back to see him. He referred me to the Dermatology department of the Virgin Care health centre in town. I didn't know Mr Branson had medical establishments as well as running an airline. The Ironstone Centre is a brand new building and in a part of town I don't normally go to. It was very nice, the staff were nice, and the young specialist I saw was very nice.

He peered through his magnifying eyeglass to get a better look and declared that it was only a wart and nothing sinister. I said I have something similar on my arm as well, so he had a look at that. Only a wart he said. Then I mentioned that as I live alone I am unable to see my own back, and could he check it for me. He obliged and said only moles, which I knew about but thought it's best to get them checked out.

The doc said he would zap my currant with something to freeze it. I said my doctor has done that, three times and still it came back. He said, my liquid is stronger, and it will work. He got a plunger contraption off the shelf. which looked like a space gun. I closed my eyes and waited, he zapped. It felt like a thousand needles sticking in my skin. He zapped it twice, I said, yeah, kill it.

So this is the result. The currant is apparently dying and will drop off. I'll let you know when it does.

Thanks for popping in, have a nice Sunday, we'll catch up soon.
Toodle pip

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