Saturday, October 29, 2016

Grange over Sands day 1

Hello Good Morning. I've a bit of catching up to do, and today I must take three pieces of artwork to the Arts Centre, in the hope that they are chosen for the Open Exhibition. Best get on with it then.
I had a late start on Tuesday morning, after first having a blood sample taken at the surgery for my free health check. As I hadn't been able to eat or drink anything for the previous twelve hours, breakfast was a priority. Then a bit of faffing, and I was finally on my way across the country to Cumbria. 
The journey took longer than I thought it would, the first bit was motorway which wasn't too bad, but from then on across Harrogate and heading over the Yorkshire Dales, it was a bit steady following farm traffic and lorries up and down the hills. I kept going for as long as I could but then nature was telling me to stop for a comfort break. I pulled into Kirkby in Lonsdale, and immediately recognized that I had been there before on my bus pass holiday. Booths supermarket has some very nice toilets there. 
I got to Grange over Sands late afternoon, it was too early to go to the hotel, so I parked in the town centre and had a look round. A nice little seaside resort with a long promenade, no sandy beaches, need a pair of binoculars to see the sea, duck pond, parks and gardens, with small independent shops. 
No, this is not my hotel, ha ha. I'll post pictures of that later.  Bug hotel in the park. Click on a picture for full screen. 
I checked in at 5.30pm, my room was a single ensuite, TV, and drinks making facilities. Lovely and warm with clean white crisp bedding. Dinner was served at 6.30pm where I was invited to join a group of people on a large table. Everyone was friendly and welcoming. The food was delicious, three courses, and I'm afraid I ate too much and suffered a bit with a full tum.

Next morning there was tons to eat at breakfast, very similar to what they serve at hostels but with more variety. I had cereals, egg, hash brown, beans, mushrooms, and toast. Set me up for the day.

I had a few ideas for a walking route so off I went. The Abbot Hall Hotel is right at the far end of Grange, next to Kent Bank railway station., there is a track which runs alongside the track at the back of the houses. The weather was a bit overcast, but fresh and dry. Love the Autumn leaves.

A bit further along it opens out onto the Promenade. There are some parks and gardens, a cafe, and leisure activities, bowls and a putting green.

The following few photo's are of big posh hotels. Grange is set on a hillside and these prominent buildings look very spectacular nestled in amongst the trees. I was cheeky enough to walk up the driveways to get a few close shots. I had checked out some of them whilst looking for a place to stay and thought, no way am I paying that. The buildings are very beautiful though, nice to look at, and dream. 

Wouldn't you just love to stay here. Fabulous gardens.

After a bimble around the hotel grounds I set off on my walk. This picture below is the the same hotel as above, only from a distance. Massive isn't it. 
I followed the Cumbrian Coastal Way along the river, which was by now just a trickle through a wide expanse of sand. Inland across some fields toward Lindale. 

A cute little village, with a shop and a church.

Sometimes looking for a footpath can be a bit baffling, there appears to be no sign of one even though it is marked on the map. I came off a road and found a sign post, the path looked like it was impassible, then just round the bend, aha, that's how you cross the brook, a hidden stone bridge. 
Time to go onto the fells. Now which way?

Back down onto the road, there are lots of these mirrors placed strategically opposite hidden entrances to big posh houses. Time for a fun selfie.

I went on and off tracks and roads, and arrived at Cartmel. A lovely little Lakes town, busy with cars, even though there is a big car park at the Racecourse. This is Cartmel Priory. I went in for a few minutes of contemplation.

Sheep are keeping the grass trimmed between the grave stones. 
Pub in Cartmel. Outdoor heating, there is a gas flame in that contraption. Nobody sitting outside, they could turn it off to save energy.

Stone cottages, and little shops.

After Cartmel I was on the last section of the walk. I followed the Cistercian Way to the outskirts of Cark, then took the road to Allithwaite, and picked up the Cumbrian Coastal Way back to the hotel. It was getting a bit windy so I kept moving and didn't take any more photo's.

Arriving back in the hotel at 6pm, I had half an hour to get ready for dinner served at 6.30pm. After the meal there was some kind of entertainment but I chose to sit in the lounge uploading these photographs in readiness to add the words. Total walked today was 15 miles. I am well pleased with that. I chatted to people, saw nice places, and got some exercise. A great day.

Right, busy now, need to get the pictures to the Arts Centre, so I'll say, enjoy your Saturday and we'll catch up tomorrow with the second report.
toodle pip

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