Saturday, October 22, 2016

Just pants

Good morning. Running out of clean pants. I was up early so the first thing I did was fill the washer. Now I have 30 pairs of clean pants. All arranged neatly for the photo shoot, ha ha.
The regular readers will know why I wear pants, but the newer readers will say, what the heck is she doing now. Yep, I have been a fan of pants, some of them teenage boys pants, for oh, around 15 years now. The reason is that they last a lot longer than flimsy ladies knickers. They are more robust, thicker fabric, well made, hug my hips, and will wash millions of times without falling apart. I like the way they feel snug and cover the whole of my bum, no dental floss up my backside for me, ha ha. Some of these must be around ten years old, and I might add that I have a fresh pair on every day, sometimes changing them half way through the day if I am going out.

Most of them are black, dark blue, and grey, with the odd colours thrown in. I buy whatever is cheap which is usually boys pants in packs of five. No VAT on kids clothes. I don't care what colour they are, nobody sees them. I haven't had to buy any for a long time as these will go on and on for many more years. I don't need to include the cost of underwear in my spending budget, because I don't expect to buy any in the near future.

Washing a load of pants only happens here once a month. I prefer to do them in bulk rather than three or four pairs here and there. I made up a full load with t-shirts and trousers. YAY, after a murky start the sun is out, so these are going out on the line.

Thanks for popping in, enjoy your weekend, we'll catch up soon.
Toodle pip

Here you are then, me and my pants from Hunt for Britain's Tightest Person, seven years ago.

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