Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Day 3. A walk and three bus rides to Windermere

Hello. Guess where I am tonight. I made it to Windermere Youth Hostel. This one is a couple of miles outside Windermere, up a long lane from Troutbeck Bridge. I arrived by bus. Today I started off walking out of Malham, up a long steep climb towards Settle. It was slow going, I had to keep stopping to catch my breath. The weather has been warm and sunny for most of the day. I have picked the right week for my hols. This first pic is of the hotel next to the hostel, I bet it costs a lot to stay there, I bet I got the best deal at the hostel, ha ha. 
The little beck that runs through Malham. Someone asked in a comment if I went to Malham Cove. No I didn't because I have seen it before. I didn't go to Malham Tarn or the waterfall at Janets Foss either, I have seen them also.

I am heading past that barn towards those hills in the distance. It was a very long steep climb up there. Good exercise.

Looking back, breathtaking views of Malham.
After a long hard slog, where I had to keep stopping to take a breather, I arrived in Settle. Lots of lovely little stone cottages here, on narrow cobble stone streets.

This impressive building is a museum.

My plan was to carry on walking to Ingleton, or get a bus to Kendal. I went to the station to see if there were any trains, there was, but they weren't going where I wanted to go. I have always wanted to go on the Settle Carlisle railway, but not today. Maybe one day I will.

I went to the Tourist Information Office to ask about bus times. They were are closed on a Wednesday afternoon. That's not much use to anyone. I asked a local woman about buses, she didn't know but suggested I have a look at the timetable on the bus stop. Lo and behold there was a bus standing waiting. A stroke of luck, the driver was going to Kirkby Lonsdale, and he said I could get a Kendal bus and then a Windermere bus. I had to wait a long time for the Kendal bus though I had an hour and a half to kill and went for a walk round Kirby Lonsdale.

It's a nice little touristy town. Here are a few snaps.

There are only two main stems growing out between the cracks at the bottom of the house, which produce all this foliage. Amazing how much of the building is covered. 

This house had a lovely view across the river, and immaculate gardens.

There is a very nice walk along the river, with good footpaths, there was a lot of people about. 

This is Devil's Bridge.

I thought this would make a lovely picture. An elderly couple strolling along arm in arm. deep in conversation. I wonder how long they have been married.

The bus to Kendall was late, it got in with five minutes to spare between the Windermere bus going out. That bus was also late, and when it came in we had to wait while they changed over drivers. With all the rush to get on the buses I forgot to take their photo's.

So here I am sitting in an arm chair, I am not sure I can get out of it. Although I have only walked seven miles today, my leg muscles are stiffening up. It's better if I keep walking then they stay supple.

My room mate is a young lady from Canada. What I .like about hostels is that you meet all kinds of people. Breakfast is ordered, I had a plate of chips tonight, I couldn't eat them all so I have put them into a bread bag to eat tomorrow. I'm getting tired now so I'll sign off. Let's see what tomorrow brings.
Toodle pip

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