Friday, September 12, 2014

Day 5. A bimble round Ambleside and Keswick

Hello. I've had a low level day today, no climbing, a couple of bus rides and bimbling round Ambleside and Keswick. It was chaotic at breakfast, there are a couple of coach trips in, excited students all chattering and crowding into the dining room at the same time. Thank goodness I was first in the queue. After breakfast I walked into Ambleside town centre to have a look around. This little cruise boat was waiting for it's first customers. 
Lots of olde worlde little stone shops in Ambleside.

There was nothing on at the Town Hall today.

This hotel is in a very prominent position at the top of the Market Place

There is a waterfall marked on the OS map, so I took a walk to see it. 
It was quite a pleasant walk through the woods to the top of Stockgyll Force. I crossed over this bridge and came down on the other side.

Once back in the town I got on a bus for Keswick. It's so easy to hop on a bus and go anywhere you like in the Lakes. There is a booklet with all the places and the times. It also has street maps of where you get the buses.

I had seen a programme on the TV about the Pencil Museum, Warwick Davis took his family there, I thought it would be good to have a look. So here it is. The factory is no longer here, they moved it to the coast a while ago. Here is a link to their web site if you want to read up about it.

Here is a little bit about the history.

I didn't know there were so many different coloured pencils. I nearly bought some but I have lots at home.

How about this then, a limited edition, lots of pencils in a wooden box for £250.

I sat on a bench and did a bit of people watching. A little girl dressed in pink, clinging on to her daddy's hand, Looked like she was very new to this walking lark. A little boy and his family enjoying fish and chips on a bench out of a wrapper. He helped himself to a wet wipe when he had finished and gave his hands a good clean. There are lots of dogs about, everywhere you go there are signs saying dogs welcome, and do you know not a sign of any dog poo anywhere. In fact I can't even remember seeing any litter about, and that's not because the street cleaners pick it up, no one drops litter here.  
Oooh, that looks tempting, but I didn't. Had my ice cream and gingerbread, don't need any sweets.

This shop was like an outdoor bazaar, Woven rugs hanging over the wall, and baskets and bags spread around the courtyard.

I took a walk to the lake. It's quite misty today. Not as busy as Ambleside.

The flowers in the municipal gardens were lovely. People sat around enjoying the sunshine, playing pitch and put and crazy golf, and scoffing ice creams. 

It was a lovely day, very relaxing. I picked up some food at Booths supermarket to bring back to the hostel. This map is on the wall in the dining room. It has all the place names on it for the Lakes. Looks a bit like a London underground map.

I would have liked to stay another night here but they are full up. Grasmere and Windermere hostels are also full. I checked the Backpackers hostel, they are full also. In fact the man told me that I won't find a bed in Ambleside on a Saturday night. So I have been on the internet and found a cheap B & B in Kendal for tomorrow night. I rang the lady and left a message, she has just rung me back and said she has a bed, so I'll get on a bus in the morning and go there, drop off my heavy stuff, and go out for a walk for the rest of the day. On Sunday morning I will be setting off back home. Don't expect there to be a lot of buses on a Sunday so I'll see how far I get.
That's about it for tonight. Hope you have a nice weekend.
Toodle pip.

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