Sunday, September 21, 2014

Ideas for the 'to do', list

Brrrrrr, it's a bit chilly tonight, anyone got the heating on yet? I am changing my wardrobe round, putting away the summery clothes and getting out the wintery ones. Layers are what's needed in the evenings now. 
I had a bimble round the car boot sale this morning. Look what I found. I like to keep a few bottles of nail varnish in stock, they are handy for craft projects.  I asked how much, the woman was having a clear out, 50p for three, she said. A bargain, so I had £2's worth.  
I spotted this chrome thingy, and asked what it was. It's a towel rail, it has loops at each end so you can screw it on the wall. Now I saw something different, it could be a piece of artwork. Howzat?  Well, what if you added some string or similar, wrapped it around the bars. What if you cut up some coloured fabric into very long strips, and wove it through the string. It would make a nice collage. What if you then stitched beads and buttons and anything else you had to hand, onto it. Could get quite interesting. Hmmmm, my head is full of ideas at the moment. I paid £1 for it, and put it on the 'to do', pile.

It could be turned the other way, might work horizontal or vertical, something to think about. 
I've started another picture, much smaller this time. I have some small pieces of sample fabrics, Coloured plain ones, and green leafy ones with white flowers. 
I've sewn four plain pieces together, and placed four smaller ones on top. Then I've torn some of that green gift wrap stuff into strips, and stuck it around the edges with PVA glue. Next I'm going to add some stitchery, and beads. Not sure how I'm going to do that yet, something will come to me when I wake up in the morning. I will look at it and it will tell me. Not tonight though, the brain has gone fuzzy. 
Thank you for popping by my blog, I see we have some new people. Welcome to Tightwad Towers, I hope you enjoy your visits.
Toodle pip.

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