Saturday, September 27, 2014

Get off me chuffin taters!

Hello. My teenage delinquent Heidi cat strikes again. She is always on the lookout for a new place to sleep, I never know where I am going to find her next. Oh my, in the corner of the worktop I have some baskets for the fruit and veg, she has decided she rather likes to curl up and doze on the potatoes, next to the bananas, apples, and onions. Can't be that comfortable, all the lumps and bumps, even though they are wrapped in a tea towel. 
Old boy Bugsy has been sunbathing by the back door. He doesn't come down stairs very often now, preferring to spend his time in the bedroom. I have had to cut lumps out of his fur which was starting to get a bit matted. He doesn't wash himself as much as he used to. He isn't keen on me grooming him either, so I have been tidying him up bit by bit while he has been eating. His coat is looking a lot better now.
I had a busy morning this morning, washed the bedding, cleaned the kitchen, washed my hair, and took Mishka for a walk. Her usual dog walker is having a few days off, so I stepped in to fill the gap. She is a big girl, Greyhound/German Shepherd cross. Quite easy to walk, if you don't mind going at 90 miles an hour, ha ha. Keep a look out for any cats, though, she nearly dragged me through a hedge when she caught sight of one in someone's front garden. Oh, and be prepared to dive out of the way when she lunges forward to give you a big sloppy kiss full on the face. She can leap six foot into the air without warning.

This afternoon I went back to The Ropewalk at Barton to the Open Studios event, to visit the artists that I missed last week. I took a friend with me from the craft club. We had an interesting time, really enjoyed it.

Afterwards we popped in Tesco next door, I wanted some yogurt. I wasn't planning on doing any shopping till next week, but when I saw the lady with the yellow sticker machine I had to see what she was marking down. Here is my shopping list, I spent £6.32.

Tomatoes reduced 59p
2 tubs houmous reduced 60p
4 pack small yogurts reduced 25p
Pack chicken pieces reduced 86p for the cats
Tub cottage cheese reduced 30p
Small cheesecake reduced 18p
Multipack dips reduced 59p
Value plain yogurt 45p
Box Tesco cat food pouches £2.50
So the cats food cost more than my food, ha ha.

I've found quite a good web site for all you textile artists out there. It's a place for art enthusiasts to be inspired, learn from the best, promote their work, and communicate with like-minded creatives. Check out   There is an interesting article on how to write an art blog, the tips and advice could be applied to any blog really. It covers attention grabbing titles, identifying your target audience, adding depth to the post, and encouraging interaction. Here is a quote from the site.

The comments section of your blog is the perfect place to have conversations with your audience. How do you get them to leave comments? Ask them. Calls to action (Leave a comment to let me know what you think about…) are the most effective way of inviting your readers to be active participants in your blog, rather than passive bystanders.
Asking for their opinion is also a great way of making them feel valued; and you should value them – they can offer incredible insights and feedback that will help you grow as a blogger, artist and person! But try to make it a win/win; think about what’s in it for them!
Read the full article here.

So, I've got to ask you a question. Erm.....Did you have a busy day or an easy day today? Now that's not too difficult is it. Answers in a comment please, but only if you feel like it. You don't have to if you don't want to, or can't be @rsed, but it would be nice if you did, because I like reading them, if I have time. If I don't have time I won't bother reading them. Oh please yourself, I'll leave it up to you.

Thank you for popping in. Hope you have a nice Sunday.
Toodle pip

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