Thursday, September 4, 2014

De cluttering - in reverse

When is all this going to end! More stuff in the skip, this time all toys. I've given myself a massive job here, I'm going to be like Santa Claus dishing this lot out. Another car load, my three bed semi is fast filling up, and all because I hate to see useful stuff thrown out. The man said, 'I'm glad you've come, there are a lot of good things here.' I think I ought to set up a house clearing business, I could call it Robin Hood Recycling, taking from the rich to give to the poor :o))
It's a good job I took some empty boxes with me, I had to climb into the skip to retrieve lots of small dinky toys, which had been put in loose. Some of the plastic toys are for very young children and come with batteries, they played a tune automatically as I picked them up. 
Everything is going to take a while to sort out, lots of bits of coloured plastics from different toys, all mixed up. I hope to get it all sorted by Christmas, then some kids can have some extra toys. A lot of it will go to charity shops. 
It's been a busy days today, what with cleaning the house, doing some washing, feeding cats, skip diving, loading and unloading the car. I still had time to make a dinner though. Three dinners in fact, enough for two more days. I had some straight pasta that I wanted to use up, it wasn't enough so I mixed it with curly pasta. The topping is the usual, potatoes, runner beans, courgettes from the garden, plus some frozen peas and Quorn mince, and a couple of cooking apples which my neighbour gave me. Curry powder and garlic powder to flavour it.

Someone asked about the Tesco Veggie burgers I get. I buy the Value ones, four in a packet, usually about £1. I don't buy them very often, they are there just to add a bit of variation to the mounds of steamed veg I eat.

Kitties all tucked up in bed tonight, at my house and Janet's. Think I'll get off up the wooden hill as well. Goodnight.

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